Я всегда любила рубашки: голубые, белые, шелковые, с принтом. Дома я всегда хожу в рубашках своего молодого человека, может именно поэтому я так люблю этот oversized фасон. А эту я приметила, когда еще работала в Массимо, но тогда я подумала, что покупать очередную белую рубашку не слишком разумно. Но вдруг, спустя несколько месяцев, обнаружила ее на распродаже (единственную моего размера) и решила, что теперь сомневаться нельзя, ведь, как мы знаем, рубашек много не бывает! И если вы еще не нашли идеальную для себя, вот небольшая подборка!
I always loved classic shirts: white, blue, silk, printed.. And I always take one from my boyfriend's closet to wear at home. May be that's why I love the oversized shirts so much! Talking about this one, I noticed it a long time ago, when I was still working at Massimo Dutti. But than I thought my wardrobe was full of white shirts and decided not to but. But a few months later I found it on sale, the only one in my size. It was fated! And if you still haven't found your perfect one, here's a little set of the oversized shirts!
I always loved classic shirts: white, blue, silk, printed.. And I always take one from my boyfriend's closet to wear at home. May be that's why I love the oversized shirts so much! Talking about this one, I noticed it a long time ago, when I was still working at Massimo Dutti. But than I thought my wardrobe was full of white shirts and decided not to but. But a few months later I found it on sale, the only one in my size. It was fated! And if you still haven't found your perfect one, here's a little set of the oversized shirts!
I'm wearing:
Massimo Dutti shirt
Zara skirt
Celine Luggage bag, Audrey sunglasses and chain sandals

1. Donna Karan oversized stretch-cotton poplin shirt (here).
2. Maison Martin Margiela oversized shirt (here on sale).
3. MIH JEANS oversized striped silk and cotton-blend shirt (here).
4. ACNE "Scout" oversized poplin shirt (here).
Have a great weekend everyone!
you know how to impress.