Погода никак не может определиться, уже середина марта, а зима все никак не закончится. Кажется, начинать вести блог, живя в Сибири, было не лучше идеей. Но раз уж так вышло, мы с Родионом пытаемся do our best, несмотря на погодные условия. Вспоминая предыдущий пост, хочу сказать, что я не знаю, как бы я пережила зиму без этого пуховика, во-первых, он очень круто смотрится с абсолютно всем, во-вторых он теплый, в-третьих - двусторонний (правда второй стороной я ношу его очень редко, но согласитесь, это все-таки плюс), ну и в-четвертых, своей просточкой он мне жутко напоминает эту куртку от Carin Wester (ее новая версия тут, want it so bad). Так что сегодня он в очередной раз спас меня от холода и от вечной зимней проблемы "нечего надеть".
Weather is still having a problem with making a decision who it is - already spring or still winter. Seems like starting a blog living in Sibirea wasn't such a good idea. But me and Rodion are doing our best despite of weather. Talking about the previous post, I want to mention that I have no idea how I could survive this winter without my Massimo Dutti down jacket. Firstly, it looks gorgeous with absolutely everything, secondly, it's really warm, then - it's reversible (though I never wore it other side, but still it's a plus!), and last but not least, it's looks so much like this Carin Wester jacket by its stitches, love this detail. And today this jacket saved me again: from cold and from the never-ending problem "nothing to wear".
Massimo Dutti jacket, Zara shorts & blouse, Celine bag & sunglasses

Weather is still having a problem with making a decision who it is - already spring or still winter. Seems like starting a blog living in Sibirea wasn't such a good idea. But me and Rodion are doing our best despite of weather. Talking about the previous post, I want to mention that I have no idea how I could survive this winter without my Massimo Dutti down jacket. Firstly, it looks gorgeous with absolutely everything, secondly, it's really warm, then - it's reversible (though I never wore it other side, but still it's a plus!), and last but not least, it's looks so much like this Carin Wester jacket by its stitches, love this detail. And today this jacket saved me again: from cold and from the never-ending problem "nothing to wear".
Massimo Dutti jacket, Zara shorts & blouse, Celine bag & sunglasses

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